Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Introduction: In The Begining

Ok, so I have wanted to do this for quite some time now. We will begin to explore the food of the Big Island. I have lived on the Big Island for some years now and have seen the food scene grow quite a bit. Always wandering where it was heading.

There are many different cultures here on this island as well as in the Hawaiian Islands as a whole. I have always felt that there was much to be desired by way of great places to eat. There are Chinese,Japanese,Filipino,Hawaiian,African American and Thai as well as many other races and creeds of people here. That being said you would assume that all of their food cultures would be represented in great detail here. But I have found that some where along the line they all get really mixed up. We shall explore this further.

When you go out to eat and you want say a chicken sandwich,you don't expect that chicken sandwich to be made from a piece of thigh meat. Do you? Well you find this here and I seem to think it is a little strange.There are many of these little idiosyncrasies that we will encounter on our food travels through the Big Island.

I will attempt to show and talk about every little restaurant on this small Big Island. Next we will start with one that is a refreshing change from the mundane.Until next time,

Aloha, and Happy Eats!